
Sunday, September 9, 2018

Media Created new political faces

In the present digital age, everybody has access to the media or this is a great opportunity for media to covering all age group of public. and the media does inject some things in our mind like some social issues, some students leaders are protesting for reservation and some of them not satisfied with the government's plans and working structure. and in the present scenario, Indian media is playing a big role to give them a political colour. like Kanhaiya Kumar, Ummar Khalid and Hardik Patel. media has done a much coverage of them. but are we really need that popularize this level to somebody. this is very threatful for a democracy because these type of people getting political support and enter to politics and some of them become CM and Some become PM as we can take two previous elections. and they have the same ideologies with a different perspective, we really don't need that. today youth is not intellectual like Ambedkar, Gandhi and many other intellectuals of that time. they made the country. but in the present scenario, everybody wants to change the system, but we need a deeper knowledge of the system and society to change the system. unfortunately, at the present time, nobody has these type of approach. but if somebody really wants the change he or she has to do a lot of deep hard work to understand the philosophy of a democratic would be interesting to see that when or who will become next Mahatma Gandhi to save the nation

Kailash Bhagat

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